Trips in Italy

What you can book with Argiletum Tour!
Tours in Italy, Organized Trips, Guided Tours of Rome, the Italian Art Cities and Unusual Destinations. We organise customised and bespoke vacations in Italy, private guided tours, activities for groups, families and couples.

Online since 2002

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avventure italia

Italy: unconventional experiences for adventurous travellers

Italy is a country that offers a wide range of original and extreme experiences for the most adventurous travelers. Whether it’s exploring the depths of the sea, climbing imposing mountains, or immersing oneself in the rich culinary tradition of the country, there is something for everyone looking for authentic and unique thrills. Italy invites travelers to push their limits, discover new horizons, and live an experience that will remain imprinted in their memory.

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The 5 most loved Italian dishes in the world

Italy, the birthplace of gastronomy, is universally recognized for its rich and diverse cuisine that reflects centuries of culinary traditions passed down from generation to generation. While not everyone can afford to enjoy Italian dishes in a Michelin-starred restaurant, it is possible to experience the magic of Italian cuisine by preparing some of the most beloved dishes directly at home. Here are the five most loved Italian dishes in the world, along with their recipes and secrets for successfully replicating them in your own kitchen

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Create Your Own Italian Travel Experience

All of our Tours and Tour packagase In Italy are custom-designed by our own in-house team of experienced professionals. We develop and personalise our programs so that they reflect and cater for every client’s needs and desires
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